When creating more than one page on your website, relative URLs can be used to link to pages within your own website. Relative URLs provide a shorthand way of telling the browser where to find your files.
If all of the files in your site are in one folder, you simply use the file name for that page.
For example, to link to a contact page from the homepage (index.html)the html is:
<a href="contact.html">Contact</a></p>
If your site is organized into separate folders (or directories), you need to tell the browser a bit of extra information about how to get from the page it is currently on to the page that you are linking to.
A child folder, is a sub folder of the main directory. To access a file from child folder, use the name of the child folder, followed by a forward slash, then the file name.
On a website about different countries of Africa there are a number of different folders representing different countries. In each country folder, there is a file about food, music, and culture. To link to a page about music that is in a folder called Uganda from the homepage (main or root index.html) the html would be:
<a href="uganda/food.html">Music of Uganda</a>
A parent folder, a level above a child folder. To access a file in the parent folder, use ../ to indicate the folder above the current one, then follow it with the file name.
For example, to link to the homepage with a list of all the African countries(index.html) from the Ugandan music page the html is:
<a href="../index.html"> Home</a>
Let's try and create a multipage site: Activity 2