
How to open a connection to a remote server

Cyberduck works reasonably well with JAWS, which is why we'll be using it. There are other ways to connect to a sever, but we think this one is professional and should work well for you.

Before you can put files on your server, you need to make a connection between your computer and the server. The following steps will take you through this process.

  1. Unfortunatley, there's no notification when cyberduck first opens. Open Cyberduck and wait a few moments after opening the application, then press Insert + B to read the current window. If JAWS is focused on and reads cyberduck, you can move ahead.
  2. Type Control + O
  3. You will automatically be in a field named Server : enter your server name here
  4. press Tab two times to the Username field and enter your username
  5. press Tab once. You will be in the password field. Enter your password.
  6. Press enter
  7. you will get a dialog box that notifies you that your connection is insecure. This is ok. Select connect.
  8. after a few moments you will connect to your server. Once it connects it will read out the name of a folder. This folder should be your name. There are two other folders named logs and maildir, but you shoud ignore those. select the folder with your name.
  9. wait for about 15 seconds after opening the folder with your name. If you use the up and down arrows, JAWS should read a file name, index.html. This is the index of your website!

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