Color Changer Example

There are three buttons on this page. When you select one it will change the background color and let you know about it.

The background of this page is white

HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Javascript example </title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
    font-family : sans-serif ;
<h1> Button color changer example </h1>
<p> There are three buttons on this page. When you select one it will change the background color and let you know about it. </p>
<button onclick="red()" change background color to red </button>
<button onclick="green()</button>
<button onclick="blue()"change background color to blue </button>
<p aria-live="assertive" id="color"> background is now white </p>

Javascript Code:

function red() { = "red" ;
    document.getElementById("color").innerHTML = "background is now red!" ;
function green() { = "green" ;
    document.getElementById("color").innerHTML = "background is now green!" ;
function blue() { = "blue" ;
    document.getElementById("color").innerHTML = "background is now blue!" ;

Javascript example 2