cylinder(h = height, r1 = BottomRadius, r2 = TopRadius, center = true/false);
- h : height of the cylinder or cone
- r : radius of cylinder. r1 = r2 = r
- r1 : radius, bottom of cone
- r2 : radius, top of cone
- d : diameter of cylinder. r1 = r2 = d /2
- d1 : diameter, bottom of cone. r1 = d1 /2
- d2 : diameter, top of cone. r2 = d2 /2
- Center:
- center=false is the default, z ranges from 0 to h
- center=true, z ranges from -h/2 to +h/2
- To create a cone shape, make one radius equal to zero: cylinder(h = 40, r1 = 20, r2 = 0);
Quick Notes:
- In order to increase the resolution of your rounded objects, you can add the parameter $fn
- Usually an $fn value equal to 50 will do, and over 100 is not recommended because it slows performance