OpenSCAD is a free software for creating solid CAD objects that works on Linux/UNIX, Windows and Mac operating systems.
The program reads statements we write that describe objects. Then renders the 3D model from that code. This gives us full control over the modeling process, and when we get really comfortable with OpenSCAD, we will have the ability to change everything about our designs
OpenSCAD provides two main modeling techniques:
Constructive Solid Geometry (our main focus today)
left and right parentheses () are like the beginning and end of bits of information/like top and bottom pieced of bread in a sandwich. Everything in between these symbols is included information.
left and right brackets [], contain values for coordinates [x, y, z];
semi colons break up parts of the code, like a period ends a sentence.
two forward slashes are used to make notes or comments in your code //everything on the same line after this will not be read as code.
if you are using a screen reader, go through each character to read the code and syntax of the objects and functions that follow.
We highly recommend working with 3D manipulables as you create objects in 3D space. This will help in understanding the size, translations, rotations and positioning of objects on the plane.